Stroke Development & Squad

Our Stroke Development Program builds on the fundamental skills learnt in our Learn to Swim levels. This ability based program has been designed to further develop correct technique in all strokes. Reinforcing water safety skills and progressively developing children’s endurance whilst still having lots of fun along the way. These 30 minute classes provide a pathway for those interested in progressing to squads. Stroke Development and Squad classes start at $24.50 per lesson, per child, although we do charge by the term.

Stroke 1

Fundamentals of Freestyle & Back Kick

Now that children can maintain good body positions in the water and have mastered basic movement patterns, our first Stroke Development level teaches them how to perfect their front and back flutter kicks, a correct pattern of freestyle arms and introduces side breathing. Survival swimming and treading water remain an integral part of the lesson.

Confident independent swimmers, capable of swimming 6-8 metres unassisted

Can produce basic freestyle arms and unassisted back kicking

Small group classes with a maximum of 4 children

Stroke 2

Freestyle & Backstroke Development

In our Stroke 2 class, children will continue to improve their freestyle with a focus on developing correct head positions and timing when side breathing. They will also learn a correct pattern of backstroke arms. Survival swimming over a longer distance and treading water remain an integral part of the lesson.

Increasingly confident swimmers, capable of swimming 8-10 meters unassisted

Can produce strong flutter kicks and a correct pattern of freestyle arms

Can produce the correct head position when side breathing

Small group classes with a maximum of 5 children

Stroke 3

Freestyle & Backstroke Extension

Now that children have developed correct freestyle and backstroke technique we focus on extending the distance they can swim whilst maintaining this correct technique. In this level we teach children to swim freestyle with breathing every 4 arms and backstroke with continuous arms. Survival swimming over increasing distances and treading water remain an integral part of the lesson.

Very confident swimmers, capable of swimming 10-12 meters unassisted

Can produce freestyle with correct timing whilst side breathing

Can produce a correct pattern of backstroke arms

Small group classes with a maximum of 6 children

Stroke 4

Mastering Freestyle & Backstroke. Intro to Breaststroke

This level introduces bilateral breathing and extensions of backstroke as children focus on mastering these strokes and improving their endurance over increasing distances. Breaststroke kick is also introduced, while survival swimming and treading water remain an integral part of the lesson.

Very confident swimmers, capable of swimming 20 meters unassisted

Can produce freestyle breathing every 4 arms with correct timing

Can produce backstroke with continuous arms

Small group classes with a maximum of 6 children

Stroke 5

Mastering all Strokes

Our final stroke development level sees the introduction of butterfly kick and the fine tuning of the other 3 strokes in preparation for squad. Children graduating this level are able to swim freestyle and backstroke for 50m, breaststroke for 25m and butterfly kick for 15m with good technique.

Very confident swimmers, capable of swimming over 25 meters unassisted

Can produce freestyle and backstroke with correct technique

Can produce breaststroke kicks with correct technique

Small group classes with a maximum of 6 children


Perfecting all Strokes

Once swimmers have achieved a level of swimming, in all 4 competitive strokes, where they no longer require intensive instruction they are ready to progress to our training squad. Children at this level will continue to refine and perfect each stroke and practice racing techniques such as starts, turns and finishes. They will also gain an understanding of aerobic and anaerobic training to prepare them for competition or swim club should they wish to follow down this path.

Very confident swimmers, capable of swimming over 50 meters unassisted

Can produce all 4 strokes with correct technique

Aerobic and anaerobic training

Pathway to competition and swim clubs